Prevent HIV After a Potential Exposure

Post-exposure prophylaxis, or nPEP, is a 28-day course of medication that can be taken to help prevent HIV AFTER a potential exposure. The medication has to be started within 72 hours of the event and is more effective the earlier it is taken. Since potential exposures aren’t planned events, it is easiest to get nPEP by calling your primary care provider or visiting your closest emergency room.

Important: In Iowa, you can also request free and confidential assistance from a navigator who can help link you to nPEP resources in your community. If you are having trouble getting nPEP, please don't hesitate to call! 

Learn more about nPEP


Financial Assistance for nPEP Costs

The medications involved in an nPEP regimen can be expensive, but there are resources available to help cover these costs. You can get more information on assistance programs by contacting the Iowa PrEP/nPEP navigator.

Learn more about PrEP/nPEP navigation services