Stop HIV Iowa has an entire team dedicated to helping medical and social services providers access accurate, up-to-date information. We’re called regional health specialists (RHS)—and we’re located throughout Iowa. 

Professional learning opportunities 

Regional health specialists can provide information and learning opportunities around any of the following topics. Interested in a subject that isn’t listed? Please reach out! We’re happy to create a presentation or training to meet your specific needs. 

Working together to impact HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and viral hepatitis: 

  • HIV, STIs and hepatitis C data and trends 

  • CDC screening guidelines 

  • Ending the HIV epidemic in Iowa 

  • Importance of early diagnosis of HIV and linkage, retention and re-engagement in care 

  • Services and resources available to people living with HIV 

  • Prevention and testing 

  • Guide to sexual health assessments 

  • Reducing barriers and stigma 

Intersection of HIV, hepatitis C and substance use: 

  • Prevention 

  • Data and trends in Iowa 

  • Language matters; stigma 

  • Reducing associated harms 

PrEP and nPEP 

  • Medications for HIV prevention: 

    • Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) 

    • Non-occupational postexposure prophylaxis (nPEP) 

  • Priority populations and conversations about PrEP 

  • Resources, directory and navigation support 


We know you're busy! Let us do the work.

We come to you. Schedule a convenient time to meet with an RHS. The format is flexible and can be tailored based on the size and specific interests of your team. 

Fill out our interest form and your local RHS will reach out to you.